Rose George: Inside the secret shipping industry
I have given talks on sanitation, refugees, shipping, women's health and taboo, to NGOs, businesses and universities in over a dozen countries. I have spoken to audiences at, amongst others, the NHS, the Inter-American Development Bank, the University of Oxford, WaterAid, World Water Week, and the Chilean Navy. I have given two TED talks, on sanitation and shipping, which have had three million views.
I have given seminars and classes to students at the University of Pennsylvania, University of Leeds, University of Georgia and many other institutions, in person and remotely.
I have advised clients including UNICEF India, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, WSSCC (the Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council) and WaterAid. I provide expertise on communications, and how to make difficult topics accessible to a wide audience. Amongst other things.